Monday, October 19, 2009

Is Obama Noble enough for a Nobel Peace Prize?

There are, of course, two sides to this argument. One side is that Obama did not deserve to win the Nobel Peace Prize for his “efforts” in resolving the nuclear crisis in Iran. This side feels that Obama has not accomplished anything major and therefore should not yet be honored along with presidents such as Woodrow Wilson and Jimmy Carter. This is the point of view that Keegan Jorgensen shares. He posted an opinion article on his blog site stating that President Obama should not have been awarded anything just yet.

The other side of the argument is that Obama has greatly influenced the world just by being a public figure and that he should be honored for capturing the attention of so many people. He is a great diplomat and public speaker and he has been apart of many decision making processes. In other words, Obama should be recognized and awarded for his vision.

I tend to agree with Keegan. President Obama may have a vision but he has not done anything with that vision in the short 10 months that he has been president that could qualify him for a Nobel Peace Prize.

Of course, this is already done and over with, the prize has been awarded, and there is nothing that anyone can do to change that. I’m hoping that maybe Obama will take this high honor as a humbling experience. He should see that so many people are looking to him for answers and that, to live up to his own standards, he must now walk the walk because he has definitely talked the talk.

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