Sunday, February 7, 2010

Hey, Obama, stop spending.

Obama says that the goal for us now should be to create jobs. "To give… companies greater incentives to grow and create jobs, I've proposed a new tax credit for more than 1 million small businesses that hire new workers or raise wages…"

But where exactly is he getting that money from? And how are companies supposed to hire new people or raise wages when many companies are in enough financial trouble that all they can do is cut employment?

Or more importantly, where are we actually losing our money? Unnecessary spending could be a place to start. Take, for example, the football stadium built in MN and opened in the spring of 2009. Now, this is just my opinion, but I think that building an outdoor stadium in MN was a mistake on many levels, including cost.

  “Total construction costs for TCF Bank Stadium are $288.5 million, including site preparation and infrastructure improvements. The University is funding 52 percent of the cost… The state of Minnesota will fund the remaining 48 percent of the cost, or $137.2 million.”

Why would the state of MN spend a tenth of a billion dollars on football??

We have got to stop spending money on things that don’t matter. Sure, football matters to a lot of people but I’m pretty sure sustaining a person's individual rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness matter a little bit more in our economic state than constructing a football stadium. Football doesn't feed, clothe, or create jobs for very many people.

It’s in our Declaration of Independence; the government has the responsibility of protecting our rights. And if, for some reason, the government does not protect our rights then we have the right to change our government. We should do something about superfluous spending by our government.

That would save us from losing more money. It would save us from continuing in a downward spiral. That is what we have to do. Stop spending.

Hey, Obama, stop spending.

Article Sources:,_liberty_and_the_pursuit_of_happiness

Picture Source:


  1. Hayley, you make an amazing point here. Why are we spending money on football stadiums? Also, who pays those athletes? But your right, it needs to stop and soon. By the way, we did it again! We built a baseball stadium this time though! And its an open outside dome! The first rain or cold day we have they will wish that they had a roof like their old stadium... Where will it end.

  2. I agree with Hailey on the spending of unnecessary pleasures to our country. We are trillions in debt and that is only getting larger. If this continues for another ten years it is said that the interest we pay on our loans from other countries will be more than the amount we pay on national defense. That seems screwed up, our interest will be more. Why do we continue to spend when things like this will happen if it continues at this pace. We are running our country into the ground, why doesn't our government just stop all the spending on wants and focus on the needs.
