Thursday, June 3, 2010

Following up on my last article…

President Obama met with Arizona Gov. Brewer about their opposite views on the solution for illegal immigration. Basically, they came away with the conclusion that… they don’t agree. :-) 

Obama feels that immigration is a federal issue. It affects the whole United States and he feels that if each state can decide what to do about illegal immigration, then the country will be extremely divided and it will cause major problems for us in the future. He is asking Brewer to stop making immigration decisions and allow congress to decide together what is best for the U.S.

Brewer feels that immigration affects Arizona and Arizona should be able to make its own decisions on what to do about illegal immigration. She thinks that she has made the right decision for her state and that she will defend her decision as far as court.

Obama says that he is willing to continue to talk about their disagreements but is not willing to go to court against her. He does not wish to put his “thumb on the scales when these kinds of decisions are made.” Basically he doesn’t want to get involved in a legal battle over this whole thing.

I agree with Obama that the issue of immigration is a nationwide issue and no one state should have the power to make decisions about it without consulting the other states. If each state had their own idea of what to do about illegal immigration, then everyone inside its borders would be affected differently. It would be confusing and unfair, especially to the people that are legal citizens but are suspected of being illegal. There has got to be a way to encompass the whole United States on this issue, rather than just Arizona coming up with a solution that may endanger the above mentioned people’s rights.
But that’s just my opinion. Maybe things will actually have to be settled in court before we can really know for sure if decisions like that can be made on a state level.

I do have to say that I am glad to see diplomatic conversations taking place between two sides of a debate. This is what our country is all about. Two sides on an issue, meet in the middle with a compromise that is good for everyone involved. This system is very important to our way of life and is really cool to see it in action. I guess they did play nice. We will just have to wait and see what happens now.

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1 comment:

  1. your completly right. one person should not be able to decide things for everyone. we live in a country where everyone together comes up with a compromise. but i guess we will see what will happen.
