Thursday, January 14, 2010

It’s a Free Country

Paul wrote an article on his blog about a couple from Georgia. Harvey and Paula Darden accidentally ended up at the White House for a tour on the wrong day. After they were put through security, they found themselves at a Veteran’s Day breakfast.

No one kicked them out just because it wasn’t the right day for their tour. When they suspected they weren’t in the right place, Harvey Darden spoke with a White House staff member who asked Darden if he was a veteran. As it turns out, Darden was actually a Navy veteran, so the staff member told him to ‘go with the flow.’ They did. And they met President Obama, the first lady, and the vice president. The couple didn’t even really realize that they had showed up on the wrong day until they arrived at home and checked their e-mail.

The article that Paul based his off of stated that it is not uncommon for tourists that clear security to be included in other festivities. White House security performed a criminal background check on the Dardens and when it came up clean, they were allowed to join the Veteran’s breakfast.

Paul wrote that it doesn’t make him “feel secure about the job being done in the White House… When people can just slip through the cracks… People will start intruding where ever they are able.”

I do not agree. As long as no one that is a threat to our nation’s security is allowed to enter the white house, it doesn’t matter if a couple from Georgia meets the president. This is, after all, a free country and people can do as they please as long as they don’t put others in harms way. It’s the same with accessing government information; it is open to the public as long as national security is not put at risk. Harvey and Paula Darden were not a threat to anyone or anything by simply attending a Veteran’s breakfast and therefore have a right to attend that breakfast.

Article Sources:

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