Thursday, January 14, 2010

Text Messages Save Haiti

Red Cross raised $3 million just by text messaging. Spokesman Jonathan Aiken said those $3 million were a large amount of the $10 million total that Red Cross raised for earth quake relief in Haiti.

"That's a phenomenal number that's never been achieved before," he said. "People text up to three times at 10 bucks a pop. You're talking about roughly 300,000 people actually spontaneously deciding, 'I can spare $10 for this. And that's remarkable."

The message was forwarded through text messages and tweeted by celebrities such as singer Adam Lambert, actor Ben Stiller, cyclist Lance Armstrong, and actress Lindsay Lohan. These celebrities posted tweets that were sent by text message to all of their fans. “Help Haiti” was posted all over twitter. The red cross is also involved with Facebook, Flickr and YouTube. It also has its own blog, and hosts an online news room that shows updates on relief efforts.

What I find amazing is how many people just spared $10 because they heard about it and felt like giving. Three million dollars is a lot of money and they raised it so easily. I can’t believe our country is in so much debt if we have to power to band together and help Haiti, couldn’t we band together and help our own country?

There’s got to be a smart way to do this. It’s not like we are all out of money. This Red Cross fundraiser proves that. We just aren’t spending our money very well. We aren’t organized enough in our efforts to decide where the money should be spent and we spend money debating it. Isn’t there a better way to do things? The Red Cross had no trouble at all raising three million dollars. Why do we continue to sink into debt? We should pull together and pull ourselves out of this mess. Some how. In some way.

We are not all dirt poor. Yet.

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